It's that time of year again. It's HOT! If you're living in the desert, specifically Fort Irwin area, you know the dry, scorching heat outside starting from 75 at 6:30AM to 96 after 9PM and the effects it is having on your skin.
Hydration is key, we all know this. Drink water, drink water, drink water. And drink more water. However, this doesn't always take care of skin issues that come with this disgusting weather. Below is a small list of Perfectly Posh products that can help you keep your skin healthy.
Healer Skin Stick - Sun burns bow down to this little guy. Eczema doesn't stand a chance against him. And Stretch Marks fade, especially when used during pregnancy. I've had a new customer give me a raving review on the Healer making her stretch marks disappear so much so that she order two more before her first has even run out!
Handle Lotion Bar - Great for an overnight soak for feet under socks. Cracking heals and rough skin gain back their dignity after a few consecutive uses. Stands up to hand washing (average 3 washes before reapplying). Nurses, doctors, diaper changers, and other frequent hand washers, you will definitely want this in your bag or desk drawer year round.
Olive You Slather - Olive oil infused cocoa butter with aloe keeps skin moisturized all day. No more ashy or dull looking skin. Slather it on after a shower in the evening and still be able to feel the awesomeness of it when you wake in the morning.
Together, these would usually cost $54. However, this month I've offering an EXCLUSIVE deal of JUST $50, available only through myself. *Before Taxes and Shipping* Special deal orders must be made directly through myself, online orders will not reflect the sales price.
Don't forget the month of June's Deal with Perfectly Posh, Play Footsie Twinkle Toes, Rubby Scrubby and Pink Putty for JUST $39! *Before taxes and shipping*