Monday, May 6, 2013

Posh Opportunities

Perfectly Posh is currently offering ground floor opportunities.

What is "ground-floor opportunity"? At the start of a company or a location expansion, ground floor opportunity become available, giving you more recruiting for your downline than it would if you had joined later in the company's life. With this benefit, you can reap the commissions of those who have signed up under you, as a team leader, plus whatever personal sales you've made. Though, remember, these ground floor opportunities are only available as long as the business is new. If you've ever been with or are currently with another direct sales company, I ask you to think on this. What is your consultant number with that company? Perfectly Posh is at 3600, roughly. The person over myself started 5 months after I did, and she is two ranks above me. Food for thought. :) 

This is what I'm working on myself. A few friends of mine in the business have already surpassed me in the building of their team and rank, in a fraction of the time that I've been with Posh. Though, this is mostly due to the fact that expanding my business was limited by my lack of sales permit, a requirement in the secluded military Post I live on. 

Since acquiring this permit in February, I have made so much headway and improvement in my business, my sales have doubled if not tripled, and I am so close to promoting, I can TASTE it! 

I urge you to ask what Perfectly Posh can offer you. Especially if you live in a bigger town or city. I can guarantee, that if I lived in a town that was not so secluded, 3000 population and 30 minutes away from anything else, literally nothing on the drive to the next town, my business would be in a different position than it is now, for the better! 

Of course, your business is all about what you make of it. Whether you ant a career or a part-time job of it, it's up to you to decided how much time you want to dedicate towards it. Social consultants only do a party here or there or simply share with their friends and family and still make some money on the side. No need to do events or carry stock if you don't want to. No breaking the bank to become your own boss. I love being able to stay home with my daughter and knowing that I am building a business. 

Side note: Congrats to my friend, Genna Cav, who just bought herself a new family SUV, which she plans to use for Poshing as well. After a mere four months with Perfectly Posh! 

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